
Perl is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 36 years of development. Perl runs on over 100 platforms from portables to mainframes and is suitable for both rapid prototyping and large scale development projects.

Here is a sample to get a list of files recursively from a folder.

            use strict;
            use File::Find;
            use File::Copy;
            use Data::Dumper;
            my @FILE_LIST;
            # -- main --
              my $sDir = "/home/username";
              my @aFileList = GetFileList($sDir);
            # ----------------------------
            sub GetFileList($)
            # ----------------------------
              my $root = shift;
              @FILE_LIST = ();
              find(\&filter, $root);
              return @FILE_LIST;
            # ----------------------------
            sub filter
            # ----------------------------
              my $root = $File::Find::topdir;
              my $path = $File::Find::name;
              my $file_name = $_;
              if( $file_name =~ /\.(cgi|pl)$/i )
                $root =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
                $path =~ s/^$root[\/\\]//;
                push @FILE_LIST, $path;